GPT-4o Mini : Cheaper Small AI Model

Updated on
July 18, 2024
Tech and AI Explained
July 18, 2024

On July 19, OpenAI introduced the GPT-4o mini, a small language model (sLM) with 10B-20B parameters. This marks OpenAI's entry into the sLM market, a space that has seen significant growth as companies seek cost-effective AI solutions.

Why GPT-4o Mini Matters

  • Performance: GPT-4o mini stands out with its exceptional performance metrics. It achieves an impressive 82% score on the MMLU (Multilingual Mixed-Language Understanding) benchmark, surpassing GPT-4.1 in chat preferences as highlighted on the LMSYS leaderboard. This performance underscores its efficiency and effectiveness in natural language understanding tasks.
  • Applications: The versatility of GPT-4o mini makes it suitable for a wide range of applications. It excels in customer support chatbots, providing real-time text responses, and handling tasks that demand large context windows (up to 128K tokens). This capability is crucial for applications in sectors such as healthcare, finance, and education where extensive contextual understanding is essential.
  • Multimodal Support: Currently, GPT-4o mini supports text and vision applications. It integrates seamlessly with applications that require understanding and generating textual descriptions of visual content. Future expansions are planned to include video and audio modalities, promising enhanced capabilities in multimodal AI applications.
  • Efficiency: Efficiency is a hallmark of GPT-4o mini. It efficiently handles up to 16K output tokens per request, making it suitable for generating lengthy and detailed responses. The improved tokenizer enhances its ability to process and generate high-quality outputs, particularly beneficial for handling diverse and complex linguistic patterns, including non-English texts.

Benchmark Performance:

  • Reasoning Tasks: GPT-4o mini achieves an outstanding 82.0% score on the MMLU benchmark, positioning it as a leader among small AI models. This performance demonstrates its robust reasoning capabilities across various linguistic and reasoning tasks, outperforming competitors such as Gemini Flash and Claude Haiku, and even its larger counterpart, GPT-4o.
  • Math and Coding Proficiency: In evaluations focused on technical proficiency, GPT-4o mini excels with high scores in math (87.0% on MGSM) and coding (87.2% on HumanEval). These results underscore its capability to handle complex mathematical computations, coding tasks, and technical queries with accuracy and efficiency.
  • Multimodal Reasoning: With a strong performance score of 59.4% on the MMMU (Multimodal Mixed-Modal Understanding) benchmark, GPT-4o mini demonstrates its ability to integrate and reason across multiple modalities. This capability is crucial for applications that require understanding and generating responses based on combined textual, visual, and possibly auditory information.

💡 For more details about GPT-4o, please refer to the blog post below.

▶Top 20 Mind-Blowing Abilities of GPT-4o

Safety and Reliability:

  • Built-in Safety: GPT-4o mini incorporates advanced safety measures to ensure responsible use and mitigate potential risks associated with AI applications. The instruction hierarchy method and other safety protocols are implemented to prevent misuse and enhance the reliability of responses generated.
  • Evaluations and Mitigations: Rigorous evaluations by over 70 external experts validate the safety and reliability of GPT-4o mini. These evaluations assess potential ethical implications and ensure that the AI model adheres to high standards of safety and ethical conduct in its operations.


  • APIs: GPT-4o mini is accessible through various APIs including Assistants API, Chat Completions API, and Batch API. These APIs offer flexible integration options for developers and businesses looking to incorporate advanced AI capabilities into their applications seamlessly.
  • Accessibility: Available to Free, Plus, Team, and Enterprise users of ChatGPT, GPT-4o mini provides broad accessibility to advanced AI functionalities. This accessibility empowers users across different sectors to leverage its powerful capabilities for enhancing customer interactions, improving operational efficiencies, and driving innovation.

Future Prospects with DeepBrain AI’s AI Studios

OpenAI aims to continue reducing AI costs while enhancing capabilities. The introduction of GPT-4o mini marks a significant step towards making powerful AI tools more affordable and integrated into everyday applications.

Imagine combining GPT-4o mini with DeepBrain AI's AI Studios. This integration could revolutionize content creation and interactive experiences. AI Studios, known for its realistic AI avatars and interactive video technology, paired with GPT-4o mini's advanced text and multimodal capabilities, could enhance customer interactions, virtual assistants, and educational tools. This collaboration could lead to highly efficient, engaging, and cost-effective AI-driven solutions for various industries, from customer service to personalized education.

By leveraging the strengths of both platforms, developers could create applications that offer seamless, real-time interactions, bringing advanced AI capabilities to a wider audience while maintaining affordability and efficiency. This synergy could pave the way for innovative uses of AI in daily digital experiences, making sophisticated AI tools more accessible and integrated into our lives.

Final Thoughts

OpenAI's introduction of GPT-4o mini marks a significant advancement in making powerful AI tools more affordable and integrated into everyday applications. This new model is paving the way for innovative uses of AI, driving down costs while enhancing capabilities, and bringing advanced AI technology closer to a wider audience.

GPT-4o Mini : Cheaper Small AI Model
Ava Seo


Specializing in AI education and corporate PR and marketing, I take on the role of strategically planning and creating diverse content, including blog posts. Fueled by a constant pursuit of the industry's latest trends and innovations, my focus is on accentuating the company's goals and values while actively enhancing its brand image.